Did you know that St. Louis was recently voted number one best city for business start ups? Believe it or not, the fair Gateway City was ranked above Oakland, California and Boulder, Colorado. St. Louis has long been a leader for innovation and great ideas and now a new space which has opened in April of 2016 is about to take a group of budding entrepreneurs to the next level.
Create Space Generator has launched a unique and innovative business in the heart of the Delmar Loop in order to cultivate the up and coming generation of progressive entrepreneurs. The best part of this business is that we will all get to benefit from these start ups by helping them develop their skills and try out their products.
Last year, in this very space, we saw an independent artisan market selling their crafts, but this year, Create Space is gearing up for a brand new revolution that will connect participants with their city in a whole new way. After the incredibly successful artist market, they decided to re-launch as a creative innovator. Their mission is to foster creative entrepreneurs to the next level in a safe environment with training and opportunity.
Here’s how it works: applications will be taken on an ongoing basis and if chosen, entrepreneurs can participate in either a six month or one year program. They must obtain a business license, attend classes and participate in workshops – and all of this is sponsored in the generator program. Every business pays a reasonable rent towards their space and in turn, they can sell their products to the public.
The first six months is all about teaching entrepreneurs how to launch their business, brand their products and generate sales and marketing experience. If at the end of the six months, an entrepreneur feels this is no longer a good model for them, they can simply opt out and make room for another entrepreneur. Or they can take their business model to the next level and proceed to the next phase over the remaining six months.
At the end of the year, each entrepreneurial endeavor is given a great head start into finding a place for their business but they must leave to make room for the next maker. Many of these new businesses will now branch out on their own to their own location, having had a safe space to explore this product incubator. They have the opportunity to learn, test their product, and take advantage of the foot traffic that is a regular part of being a business in the Delmar Loop. One of the best parts of Create Space is the new community it is creating. There will be fifteen new entrepreneurs in there together, supporting one another, encouraging one another and sharing ideas and experience.
The Regional Arts Commission (RAC) and VLAA (St. Louis volunteer lawyers and accountants for the arts) have partnered with Create Space to help these makers to get their business licenses and help them take their first fledgling steps as business owners.
The Loop has always had an eclectic and diverse population and the businesses that reside there often reflect this diversity. Create Space is no exception. They are providing opportunities to low income women, minorities and there is a Civil Progress Scholarship available to four immigrants, with one entrepreneur from the Congo. Create Space partnered with World Trade Center in Clayton and is funding this scholarship for four entrepreneurs ready to take their ideas to the next level.
One of the most exciting parts of this new space is there will always be something new and consumers can check back often to see what is happening. The layout will be changing as the makers rotate through the stations while they go through this process.
Imagine what this community will bring to St. Louis economic development. They are makers today and the job creators of the future.