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University City Loop

Flamenco Flowers Brings a Burst of Color to University City Business Owner SpotlightDelmar Loop News

Flamenco Flowers Brings a Burst of Color to University City

Flamenco Flowers is owned and operated by Elisheva Heit, and is known for it's unique flair, contemporary concepts, and original interpretation of light, color, and space as well as freshest and most original flowers on the market. Elisheva's creativity is inspired by her unique customers. Each design is guided by…
Delmar Loop
May 28, 2020
U. City Business Spotlight: Aboud Alhamid, Owner of Ranoush Business Owner SpotlightDelmar Loop News

U. City Business Spotlight: Aboud Alhamid, Owner of Ranoush

Head chef and owner of Ranoush, Aboud Alhamid brings to Saint Louis the finest combination of Middle Eastern cuisine to the heart of the University City Loop. Aboud hails from Syria, the heart of the Middle East. He incorporates his mom’s home and family recipes along with the freshest ingredients to Ranoush’s…
Delmar Loop
April 8, 2020

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Represented by the Loop Special Business District & East Loop CID