Most of the seafood available is straight from her family’s commercial fishing vessel, the Rebel Isle. “My family has been commercial fishing for generations and Wheelhouse Fish Co. is something I’ve been dreaming of for a long time,” Dahl Moore says. “This is our first year of business as a seafood marketing company.”
Wheelhouse Fish Co. will offer frozen sea spot prawns; halibut; sockeye, coho, keta and smoked salmon; and tinned fish at University City farmers market. Dahl Moore says she chose St. Louis because her husband, Javan Moore, attends Logan University in Chesterfield, and Dahl Moore splits her time between St. Louis and Alaska. “We have really come to love it in St. Louis,” she says. “The food scene here is especially impressive. We saw an opportunity here to share what our family does and we’re extremely excited to be bringing wild-caught Alaskan seafood directly from the fishermen to St. Louis.”