Chalk The Loop
Delmar Loop’s 5th Annual Chalk Art Festival
Calling all art lovers! The Delmar Loop will host its 5th annual chalk festival on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 9:00am until 4:00pm (rain date: Oct. 4th). Registration/check-in will take place at the Chuck Berry statue (across the street from Blueberry Hill) from 9:00am until 12:00pm.
Chalk The Loop invites accomplished artists and novices of all ages to create their own chalk masterpieces on the sidewalks of The Loop. This year’s theme: Transportation! Join us as we celebrate the progress of the Loop Trolley project with transportation-inspired chalk art!
Featuring the talented members of Chalk Riot, six guest artists, Chalklandia for kids, music by DJ Anthony, and more!
Entry Fees for Artists (Includes a box of Premium Chalk from Blick Art Materials and Chalk The Loop goodie bag):
· $10 for adults
· $8 for students
· $6 for children 10 and under
· Free for spectators!
A Grand Prize will be awarded for adult and student artist registration categories for best transportation-themed piece, and best open category. All child chalkers will receive participation awards. Prizes include gift certificates from Loop restaurants, retailers, and sponsors, plus art supplies!
Click HERE to register for Chalk The Loop. Check-in will begin at 9:00am on October 3rd next to the Chuck Berry Statue in The Loop. On the morning of the event, participating artists will receive a premium box of chalk from Blick Art Materials, a Chalk The Loop goodie bag, and guidelines for selecting their chalking spaces on Ackert Park Walkway.
For more information, please contact Loop Director of Marketing, Kristin Sylvester, at [email protected].